
Hello world,

My name is Haroldas, I am from a small town in Lithuania called Biržai pronounced Beerzhai. Yes, I do like beer and yes, in this blog I may write something about beer. I have an awesome scientist girlfriend, but that’s enough about her because I don’t need jealousy here. I am a Computer Science graduate and so far my fields of work and interest are software development and computer networks. I’ve spent a great deal of time developing web projects from the ground up for myself and companies and working with computer networking and servers.

In this blog, I will mainly focus on documenting my own observations and solutions on things that I’ve been working on, been going through, things I liked, beer etc. and feel like it needs to be documented for future reference.

So, I am hoping that search engine lonesome bypassers will find here what they were looking for, if not I am happy you came across this part of the internet.

Yours truly